Embassy Suites – Boulder, Colorado – November 2 – 4, 2022

Beyond the Pandemic – Building on Rural Resiliency


Proposals should draw upon current research, promising practices, and/or model programs or systems solutions that offer an application for rural communities. Proposals should indicate how consumer input, diversity, and cross-cultural issues are represented and appreciated. Program presentations should contain explicit details regarding the target population(s) served, the context in which services are delivered, and demonstrate effective outcomes.

Audience involvement during the session enlivens the session and ensures that it is relevant to participants; thus, strategies to involve the audience in the session should also be described regardless of the type of presentation being proposed. This way, we can intentionally build connections within our own NARMH Conference community.

Types of Presentations – specific submission requirements are listed on the proposal form

Workshops: 90 Minutes

One or more presenters/commentators share perspectives on a single topic or several elements of a research project (including audience time).

Panel/Roundtable Discussions: 90 Minutes

Two or three presenters/commentators work together to develop a panel presentation in which speakers are coordinated and focus in-depth on a particular topic (including audience participation time).

Poster Sessions:

Poster sessions are reports on applied research or practice summarized in graphic format: tables, graphs, pictures, and text. Authors are present during the assigned poster session time to discuss their work. Attendees visit the author(s) individually. The purpose of the poster presentation is to share with others the work you are doing in your community or program, to present new research results, to showcase new innovative approaches., and to meet and network with colleagues.